Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ucluelet Mini-Aquarium

May 10 - Lauree and I visited this wonderful, hands-on mini aquarium on "The Pacific Rim" - this gallery on the website provides better photos of the local species that are displayed and released back into the Pacific after a short stay "on display". Touch tanks are interactive and very popular with "the kids".

Monday, May 3, 2010

These ones in from the Peden gang!

Martha sends her love. Dave and SMart opened up the cottage this weekend. Here are the photos.

I don't know about you, but looking at these, I can feel the cool, crisp wind coming off Lake of Bays. The pines are whispering summer.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Christine is on! welcome!
I am waiting for the photos :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here's one I took up near Hearst. It captures the mood of that day for me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Would someone be willing to type out the steps they took to register and sign in? I can't seem to log out and start from scratch, to see what a new user would experience. Uncle G is not having success. It looks this medium is working for many of us though. Would you say? Any comments on whether or not you like the page? I am not wedded to it, and am happy to explore other options.
...Also Uncle G sent a zipped file that I cannot seem to open. Technology is only my friend on Mondays apparently! -KB

Photo Contest

Dear Emery Bay Gang,
I think Doug's idea of a photo contest is fantastic. I have enjoyed the submissions so far. I look forward to seeing photos from the rest of the gang. Elaine

Monday, April 12, 2010

This one in from Chuck!

Welcome to our online space!

On Monday, April 12, Elaine Balpataky shared her photo of Tundra swans with the EBG. This got Doug Vallery thinking about ways in which we could share out nature shots. He suggested a contest:

"Recognizing the quality of photos being shared by Chuck and Elaine and John (mainly canines) et al., the EBG executive has decided to have a wildlife photography contest, to close at the time of the Family Reunion at the Richardson ’s in July. Full contest rules, categories and prizes will be announced as entries are received."

Doug also put forward some photo categories to inspire us:

migratory activity
signs of Global Warming
wildlife and environmental degradation
endangered species
scat identification
inter-species integration

There will also be an “international wildlife” category, so that Alison and Martha can take some pics this week of the indigenous animals of Cuba (we are talking species of wildlife preferably not found at clubs etc.) J Also, we have also seen some interesting “species” from the Afghanistan theatre (thanks Patrick)

Some of us may be new to blogging. However, I will personally not be held responsible for mothers and fathers getting hooked on Facebook, so I have decided to set up this page. We can give it a try. If it seems overly complex or cumbersome, we can try another medium. What do you think? I am welcome to provide tech help.

As Doug noted, entries can be sent to the EBG Secretariat at: emerybaygang @ gmail .com and the tech-saavy family folk can assist in posting photos and comments.

Okay, let me contribute some scat-tastic photos for sharing....

Hmmm, that's not my favourite poop shot. I can't seem to find it.

Well, here's something for spring:

Suggestions and thoughts welcome.